Aussie Bronze was created for women who love to look natural, sun kissed and love being healthy from the inside out!

Busy women (all of us) don’t have time for a tan that makes you wait then shower! I’m not sure about you….but the men, women & kids in our lives can’t stand the smell of Fake Tan and we all hate the ‘orange’ look!

I developed a natural, toxin free tan because my teenage daughter wanted to start using fake tan and I couldn’t find anything that was natural or felt safe for her to use. I feel strongly about what my family puts on their skin and into their bodies.

Aussie Bronze is all about looking natural & gorgeous with a little help that is GOOD for you and your Skin! Created using the finest quality, all natural and organic ingredients to give you an instant tan, that is DHA & toxin free, and will wash off in your next shower!

Being tanned is more than a colour, it’s a feeling! Being tanned makes us feel healthy,  reminds us of summer fun, laughing and loving life. Looking good on the outside helps us to feel more confident within.  Looking and feeling great empowers you to be that confident, sexy woman that you are!

The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.    Audrey Hepburn

We all have a responsibility to look after ourselves – a healthy body, a healthy mind, we have a responsibility to look after our planet – tread softly and to treat all we come into contact with respect.

Our vision is to create a world free of toxins in everything we eat, everything we think and everything we feel. 

Toxin free Body, Mind, Planet

Be bronzed like an Aussie…#Sun Optional

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